Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Aaron's Birthday Party

We had Aaron's official Birthday Party on Sunday and these are some photos of the important details! He had a GREAT time and the rest of us seemed to too. The them of the party was Pirates...surprised?? My little pirate got all sorts of pirate garb and toys and as you can see even his cake fit the occasion. Still can't believe that he has made 4 years old. My baby!

This cake is from Lucky's and we HAD to have it! Can you guess why?
Pirate Aaron and his cake!
Leah enjoying the frosting off of the pirate ship deck!
This is a few days old but I captured them at breakfast time and came across the photo while I was downloading the birthday party photos. My two sweeties being just that...sweet.
I am so thankful today that God allowed me the privilege of being their mommy. Those of you who know my testimony and physical history understand this completely. It could have turned out differently but God protected my womb long enough to allow the conception, gestation and birth of these two precious gems in His site.
Thank you Jesus for your divine wisdom and love for me enough to allow me the joy and privilege of being mommy to these two precious children. Please teach me to enjoy each and every moment with them...even when that seems so hard!
To Leah and Aaron...mommy loves you so very much!

Friday, September 14, 2007

God Made Me Special - Aaron's Version

Ready for a great story??
I had to wait until this morning to take these photos so those of you who heard it last night can now see my delight in telling it.
Aaron's preschool class made these little faces yesterday and he drew his face...see the close up below...put his eyes on...he knew that his eyes are blue...and wanted orange hair. His teacher informed him that they had black, brown, yellow and white yarn but no orange. He did not want to accept that so they went to other classrooms until they found his orange hair. This makes me giggle because anyone who knows Aaron knows that he is usually very laid back. Good for you Aaron. I am proud that you know that your hair is orange (red) and that you told them that you wanted orange yarn. By the way, the rest of the class (except for one little girl who was not there yesterday) has brown or black hair. Just a coincidence.
Aaron's very special artwork. This wonderful face will be kept and put in a memory book for him along with the photos and a copy of this blog entry.
What do you think? Is it a good representation of my sweet boy?
Now that you have seen this...stop laughing and please reply and let us know what you think!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First Day of School

First Day of First Grade and First Day back to Preschool

Better late than never! We went to Back To School night tonight and I got permission to post a photo of Leah and her friend J. ....our kids are growing up too fast!
J's mom makes hairbows...Since Leah gave herself a haircut I had to find a new hairstyle for awhile...It was a coincidence that they wore their hair the same way on the first day of school!

Photos are from September 4th, 2007
God is so good to me. There is so much in my heart that I want to share here.
In the meantime, I am soaking in Pastor's message from Sunday and had to share this...
From the Message ~ Matthew 6:30-33
If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers ~ most of which are never even seen ~ don't you think he'll attend to you, take pride in you, do the best for you? What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met.
In other words: But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 NIV
That is what I am to do...seek God first and stop worrying about all the other "stuff"!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Terry and I have been Simpsonized

Yes, it's true! I have been Simpsonized....The other night I was up late and found this so had to try it. What do you think? I am still laughing at the silliness of it all...it is so funny!

So...what do you think??

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Aaron's Birthday

Aaron's impromptu neighborhood Birthday get together~
Capt. Jack Sparrow...aka Aaron...he wanted to take this bed with him~
Aaron had a great night with his neighborhood friends over. We are now know as the East Brown's and our other neighbor's are the West Brown's based on the fact that we live to the East and West of our other friends and neighbors. Oh, be confused...we are too.
Two posts in one day...wow!

Leah's First Soccer Game

This is a really hard day for me....read below!

My baby is growing up!
Jumping Jacks!

A goalie with very little to do~a good thing in the soccer world
No one told me that I am supposed to leave the corner after the corner kick!
Go Leah GO!

It seems totally impossible that this could have come to pass but today was Leah's very first soccer game. Her team, the Cheetah Girls, played the TigerSharks and although they don't record the score the Cheetah Girls outplayed the Tiger Sharks. Under 7 teams are still learning the basics but it is pretty neat to see them going the right direction to the goal, understand basic team play and just having fun! Since I am horrible about printing and/or emailing photos I am going to try and update my blog on a regular basis to keep family and friends in the circle! Oh...how could I forget...today is also Aaron's 4th Birthday. Wish him a happy one if you can!

Coach Aaron telling Leah the way that the game is supposed to be played...he will be great at soccer next year! He is taking mental notes already.
Happy Birthday Aaron!